Further Testing of Reflexes
30 December 2007
29 December 2007
28 December 2007
27 December 2007
26 December 2007
25 December 2007
24 December 2007
23 December 2007
Physical Examination (Motor System and Reflexes)
Introduction : Motor System and Reflexes
20 December 2007
18 December 2007
17 December 2007
Physical Diagnostik (Auscultation of the Posterior Thorax)
16 December 2007
Physical Diagnostic (Adventitious Breath Sounds)
* crackles (or rales)
* wheezes (or rhonchi)
* pleural friction rubs
* stridor
Detection of adventitious sounds is an important part of the respiratory examination, often leading to diagnosis of cardiac and pulmonary conditions.
11 December 2007
Physical Diagnositc (Review of Breath Sounds)
Breath sounds are the noises produced by the structures of the lungs during breathing
Physical Diagnostic (Thorax and Lungs )
Assessment of the Chest, Respirations, and the Posterior Thorax
part 2
08 December 2007
Physical Examination (Heart Sounds: S3, S4, murmurs)
Third Heart Sound S3 : Low frequency sound in early diastole, 120 to 180 ms after S2
Fourth Heart Sound S4 : Low frequency sound in presystolic portion of diastole
07 December 2007
Physical Examination (Heart Sounds: S1, S2)
Normal heart sounds are called S1 and S2. They are the "lubb-dupp" sounds that are thought of as the heartbeat. These sounds are produced when the heart valves close.
03 December 2007
Physical Examination (Auscultation of the Heart)
Auscultation is that part of the physical examination involving the act of listening with a stethoscope to sounds made by the heart, lungs, and blood.
01 December 2007
Physical Examination (Review of Heart Sounds)
Ten heart sounds to listen to including a normal heart to compare sounds.
Review of Heart Sounds