31 October 2007

Physical Diagnostic Series 1 (Integrative)

this is the last one of series 1 Physical Exam movie. hope this medical movie can help u to learning physical diagnositic.
see u in the next episode of physical examination movie

Wacth Medical Movie / Animation

26 October 2007

Pysical Diagnostic Series (HEENT)

In this section of Physical Diagnositic video will telll about Head, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Examination (HEENT).
i hope u enjoy this medical movie guide. thanks

Wacth Medical Movie / Animation

24 October 2007

Physical Diagnostic(Series 1 :Abdominal Exam)

This Medical Movie will so You about examination about abdominal

Wacth Medical Movie / Animation

23 October 2007

Physical Diagnostic (Series 1 : Cardiology Exam)

Medical Video Physical exam of Cardiology System

Wacth Medical Movie / Animation

22 October 2007

Physcal Diagnostic (Series 1 : Pulmunary Exam)

Medical Video examination of pulmonary

Wacth Medical Movie / Animation

20 October 2007

Physical Diagnostic (Series 1 : Neurology Exam)

Let See how the initial patient encounter and greeting provides important information for the neurological evaluation. In this medical movie/video will explain about Orientation, Cranial Nerves, Power/Sensory/Gait

Wacth Medical Movie / Animation

18 October 2007

Physical Diagnostic (Series 1 : Emergency)

"Emergency medicine is a medical specialty -- a field of practice based on the knowledge and skills required for the prevention, diagnosis and management of acute and urgent aspects of illness and injury affecting patients of all age groups with a full spectrum of undifferentiated physical and behavioral disorders. It further encompasses an understanding of the development of pre-hospital and in-hospital emergency medical systems and the skills necessary for this development."
International Federation for Emergency Medicine 1991 (wikipedia)

Wacth Medical Movie / Animation

17 October 2007

Introduction Examination of Head Eyes and Ears

the HEENT, or Head, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Exam is usually the initial part of a general physical exam, after the vital signs. Like other exam it begins with inspection, and then proceeds to palpation. It requires the use of several special instruments in order to inspect the eyes and ears, and special techniques to assess their special sensory function. This Physical diagnostic movies reviews some of the relevant surface anatomy and describes the basic HEENT exam.

Wacth Medical Movie / Animation

08 October 2007

The Anatomy Of The One Punch Knockout

This National Geographic medical video was confirms the legend of the one punch knockout.
but not only that. this movie shows what happens to the body when you are punched that hard.

Wacth Medical Movie / Animation

07 October 2007

Physical Diagnostic (Series 1 :introduction)

This Video will see u about Introduction physical examination.

Each movie will be uplaoad immediately so don't forget to chek again.
this medical movie have 10 chapter :
  • introduction
  1. emergency
  2. neurology
  3. pulmonary
  4. Cardiology
  5. musculoskeletal
  6. Abdomen
  7. HEENT
  8. Integrative
  9. Credit

Wacth Medical Movie / Animation